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Multimedia Projects

I believe multimedia projects are some of the best ways to communicate and allow immersion in a story or topic. For me, in-depth research and storytelling come together in the best way with multimedia projects. Here are projects that I think showcase just that. 


This multimedia project assessed how journalism performs as the fourth estate and what that means today. I also address misconceptions and problems that the public commonly assign to journalism and media. 

The Advancement of Middle Eastern Women is a data visualization project that takes the statistics of women's development and visually communicates them. Through this visualization, I allow for analysis of gender equity through markers in physical, economic, and political autonomy.

advancement of mena women.png
The Heart of a Home - socialmediacampaign.png

The Heart of a Home is an exploration into why women in cis-heterosexual couples perform the majority of unpaid labor. Furthermore, I investigate why this trend pertains even when women work as much as their partners doing paid labor. Finally, I take a look at how couples manage and view the pressure of gender roles and why they try or do not try to subvert these gender roles.


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